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Plasma Skin Tightening

What is Plasma?

Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. Unlike solids, liquids and gases, plasma does not exist freely on the earth's surface under normal conditions. Plasma can only be artificially generated by applying an electrical field to gas. Our atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen gas, therefore this is the gas which is ionized by the electrical field. Ionized gas is known as plasma.


How does it work?

When using plasma, we create a mild, controlled, burn to not only sublimate excess skin but to induce a skin tightening effect by stimulating the collagen and elastin production process via the skin being traumatised. When using plasma, we can induce skin tightening exactly where you need it and with high precision.


Do I need to prep my skin?

YES!!! Skin must be well prepped with vitamin A, vitamin C, peptides and hyaluronic acid. This is for two reasons: a skin that is not prepped can be slow to heal and risk post inflammatory hyper pigmentation. This is EXTREMELY important. Skin that is not prepped will not be treated! These ingredients are key to the scaffolding that binds the collagen fibres together, forming a collagen molecule. Peptides are vital for building and maintaining the structure of elastin. Sunblock is a MUST post treatment.


Can anyone have this treatment?

Unfortunately no. The darker the skin, the higher the risk for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. A patch test can be done. Consider skin needling  and Omnilux light therapy as an alternative, to induce that collagen and elastin production to achieve a similar result.


Will there be down time?

Yes! Please do not schedule this treatment before a big event. There will be around two weeks of downtime and, depending on the area treated, you may experience swelling. Results take a while to achieve, so if you are planning to have this for a special occasion, ensure you have this months in advance. Skin will continue to improve long after.


How many treatments will I need?

That will depend on the depth of wrinkles and the area being treated. A second treatment can be done 3 months later, by which point the skin will have healed and results will be visible.


Does it hurt?

It is not the most relaxing treatment! Numbing is required and will be discussed during your consultation at the time of booking.


After the plasma lift

Would you go to the gym and quit after achieving a toned body (even maybe a six pack!)? No, you would not. Our skin is no different. You've achieved your results and you must maintain them with salon treatments and active skincare. You wouldn't go home and eat pizza after a workout!


Monthly light therapy combined with skin needling for 6-8 treatments per year, is highly recommended to maintain your plasma results, along with using our prescribed skincare. While we can't stop aging process, we can certainly slow it down and reverse some of the damage. 

Plasma Skin Tightening Consultation || $65

Before undergoing a plasma skin tightening treatment, it is essential to have a consultation. This meeting will help assess your suitability for the procedure, clarify your expectations, and discuss how to maintain the results effectively. Making informed decisions is key to achieving the best outcomes for your skin.


 Eyes, Brows & Forehead

Upper eyelid lift $580

second visit $480

Under eyes $580

second visit $480

Crows feet $580

second visit $480

Forehead $600

second visit $500

Frown lines $350

second visit $280

Brow lift $500

second visit $400


Nose, Mouth & Chin

Nasolabial folds $380

second visit $300

Top lip (smokers lines) $450

second visit $350

Top lip and nasolabial folds $650

second visit $520

Bottom lip $380

second visit $300

Marionette lines $380

second visit$300

Bottom lip and marionette lines $550

second visit $400

Chin $380

second visit $300

Complete mouth area (nasolabial folds, top lip,

marionette lines and chin) $1100

second visit $960


Face & Neck

Jowls $650

second visit $550

Cheeks $900

second visit $720

Mini Face Lift $1300

second visit $960

Front of ear creases $400

second visit $300

Turkey neck $750

second visit $600

Full neck $1200

second visit $960


Dotless Plasma Facial || 60 minutes || $199

Skin rejuvenation benefits but without the downtime of traditional plasma skin tightening. Your treatment will focus on one or two areas of concern, depending on the size of the area. This treatment includes double cleansing, exfoliation, LED, serums and finishing prodcucts. For best results, a course of 6, weekly treatments is recommended. Dotless plasma is not suitable for the eye area.


Treatment Add-ons:

Hydrogel mask $30

Enzyme peel $75

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For more information about this procedure and to determine if it's right for you, please book a consultation with Jo. We're here to help you understand your options and provide the guidance you need. 

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